The Process of Refinishing Cabinets

Refinishing cabinets is a cheaper and faster way to remodel your kitchen, and these cabinets look just as good as brand-new ones can. Special finishes and acrylic coatings are used to create a beautiful and durable look that will look great for years to come. The entire process takes between 4 and 6 days to complete, with some treatments being performed in-house and others off-site. Find out what the refinishing process looks like from day one until completion with this guide!
Options To Makeover Your Cabinets
Whether you’re looking to scratch your old cabinets or simply want to update the color scheme, there are three options for you to choose from to renovate your kitchen. To begin, replacing is a common practice whenever your old cabinets are water damaged, you’re completing a full-scale kitchen remodel or you’re changing up the layout of your kitchen. Replacing lets you choose what frames to install, where the cabinets will be and since they’re new, they look great for years to come. The major problem with replacing, however, is the cost. Most replacements cost up to $18,000 for the cabinets alone, and if you’re customizing them, expect to pay around $24,000 for your new cabinets. If you can’t afford to replace, you could always reface your cabinet doors and drawers for a fresher look. Refacing is a great alternative to update your cabinets as long as the cabinet frames themselves are in good shape. With refacing, the only things that are changed are the door and drawer fronts of your old cabinets. These are replaced with new ones to improve the overall look of your cabinets without paying the price for replacing the entire structure. However, if your cabinet structure is not in good condition, you will have to replace them to make sure that they function properly. Lastly, refinishing is your cheapest option if you’re looking for a nice look at a good price. Refinishing is similar to painting but with acrylic coats and finishes that create a durable and professional look. This process takes the least amount of time to complete and you still have a variety of colors and finishes to choose from to make your kitchen standout.
Why Refinishing Is Your Best Option
For those on a tight budget, refinishing your cabinets is your best option. Not only is it cost and time-effective, but refinishing can save you up to 60-70% of the cost to replace your cabinets. Also, if you’re good at DIY projects and have the tools to do so, you can refinish your cabinets yourself. While it would be cheaper, doing this alone is not recommended because there are a lot of underlying factors to consider that could affect how well your project turns out. For starters, certain cabinet materials, like laminate, do not do well when refinished. Not only that, but even wood cabinets, which do well when refinished correctly, can end up looking bad if the correct paint isn’t applied. Bad paint and an incorrectly prepared surface make wood cabinet finishes peel and warp, which causes a lot of frustration and money to fix. Hiring a professional to refinish your cabinets will ensure that you get the end look that you want in the time that you need it done.
Refinishing isn’t simply applying a new coat of paint to your cabinets and voila, it’s done. No, a good refinishing project takes more effort than that but still gets the job done. The entire process usually takes 4-6 days to complete while your cabinets go through various stages to create the look that you want. First, the cabinet frames will be coated after the doors and drawers have been removed. Then the cabinet frames, along with the doors and drawers, will be sanded, primed, caulked and sprayed with your choice of finish before three coats of high-end acrylic coatings are applied to seal the finish. Afterwards, any knobs or handles that need to be replaced will be, and then the process is complete. In less than a week, you’ll have the beautiful kitchen that you’ve always dreamed about.
Choosing How To Refinish Your Cabinets
As mentioned previously, you have a variety of styles to choose from when refinishing your cabinets. If you want just a simple color, your best choice will be using a solid finish, which is the simplest finish available and goes well with complex countertops and backsplashes. Glazing is another popular option for those who want a multi-dimensional look to their cabinets. Commonly known as a “rub” or “wash”, the glaze is rubbed into the wood’s natural grain to create unique dimensions. You can choose colors like mocha, dark brown, black, gray or taupe in light, medium or heavy finishes. Pinstriping is another finish that is typically combined with glazing to outline the edges of your cabinet doors and create an elegant look. This finish is typically seen in cabinet showrooms and is popular among homeowners who want detailed cabinets. If you want an antiquated look to your pinstriped cabinets, you can also add a rustic finish to them that outlines the doors while creating an intentionally older look. Lastly, to exaggerate the aged look of your cabinets, you can use a glazing rub-through, which involves sanding random edges of your cabinets to create imperfections that look antiquated. This finish is typically done on black or brown accent pieces in the kitchen to create a distinct look from the rest of the cabinets.
Get The Kitchen of Your Dreams With Our Help!
If you’re looking to remodel your kitchen cabinets and need help deciding how to design them, Summit Cabinet Coatings can help! Our experienced team can create a unique kitchen for your family to enjoy for years to come and save you time, energy and money. Call our office today at (970) 282-9856 to receive a FREE estimate on your next cabinet project!