Should You Refinish Your Kitchen to be Bright and Bold?

Should you refinish your kitchen to be bright and bold? Or, should you leave your cabinets dark? It’s been proven we’re more productive when we’re in bright spaces, but how can you brighten your kitchen without it being too much?
Bright Colors and Mood
Different colors make us all feel different ways. According to Verywell Mind, colors are a powerful communication tool that can influence mood and physiological reactions. Alternatively, they mention, some colors have been associated with high blood pressure and eyestrain.
Everyone perceives colors differently, but some have a general meaning that most people associate them with. In most cases, colors are separated in two different categories: cool and warm tones. Cool tones include blues, purples, and greens. On the other side of the spectrum, warm colors include reds, oranges, and yellows.
For some people, warm colors can provide feelings of comfort. For others, warmer colors can lead people to feel irritable, angry, and hostile. Cool colors can be calming for people and help them feel at peace, while for others it can bring on feelings of sadness.
Bright Colors in the Home
Long gone are the days that bright colors are only reserved for children’s rooms. There are ways to incorporate bright colors throughout your entire home in a way that still feels mature. A good rule of thumb is to not go all bright everywhere. If you’re going to have bright walls, consider keeping the furniture and decorations neutral. On the other hand, if you want to use bright fun rugs and accessories, keep the walls and cabinets neutral.
If your kitchen is feeling too dark and you want to brighten things up, The Kitchn offer these 10 tips:
1.Put up a mirror: this will help create the illusion of more light and space
2.Add more overhead lighting: this can be as simple as adding a clamp lamp overhead
3.Use brighter lights: switch out your lightbulbs to be at least 80-100 watts
4.Try pendant lights: the further down lights hang, the brighter it will make the space
5.Add under the cabinet lights: you can find LED light bars and other similar options that you can attach to the cabinets to help brighten up those dark crevices
6.More pops of color: the easiest way to brighten the kitchen is to add fun splashes of color through the dish towels you have, adding art, or colorful curtains
7.Create contrast with accents: make one part of your kitchen the focal point, like your island or a set of cabinet and add fun colors to it
8.Add metallics to reflect light: having stainless steel appliances will attract light to brighten things up
9.Have a light backsplash: using light, bright colors for the backsplash will help with contrast and brightness
10.Paint dark cabinets: did you know most people prefer white cabinets to dark wood? If you want to lighten up your kitchen, change them up! We can help, we’ll tell you how below.
Refinishing Dark Cabinets
If you want to easily brighten up your kitchen, we recommend refinishing your kitchen cabinets. Here at Summit Cabinet Coatings, we can have your cabinets refinished in under a week. The best part? You can still use your kitchen the entire time. Rather than the expensive option of totally renovating your kitchen, refinishing cabinets is an easy way to change up the color and finish of your kitchen cabinets. Here’s the process in two simple steps:
The on-site process means our team will be in your home. We begin by spending about two or three days in your kitchen coating the cabinet frames. We will remove the existing cabinet doors and drawers from the cabinet frames and tape off the entire kitchen. Once we’ve taped off the kitchen, we will wash, hand-sand, prime, repair any blemishes and flaws, caulk, then spray the finish onto the exterior surfaces of the frames.
This part of the process is when we take the drawer fronts and doors to our shop and put them through the same process as the cabinet frames. All of the pieces will receive three coats of our commercial-grade acrylic coatings, which are applied in our contaminant-free spray booth.
To finish the refinishing process, we take everything back and reinstall the doors and drawer fronts at your home. If you wish to have new knobs and handles installed, we can help complete the process by doing that as well.
Brighten Your Kitchen with Summit Cabinet Coatings
If you’re ready to have a brighter kitchen, call Summit Cabinet Coatings today for a free consultation: (970)-282-9856. Cabinet refinishing is the best way to update your kitchen without committing to a full kitchen renovation. You’ll be surprised what a difference updating your kitchen cabinets will make.