If Mama ain’t Happy

Have you heard the old phrase, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy?” Well, there is great wisdom and truth in those words. Often the mother is the attitude and tone setter for the atmosphere of the home. But where does Mom spend a majority of her day? In the kitchen! It stands to reason that if the appearance of the kitchen makes Mama happy, then it makes the rest of the home and family happy through her.
Time for a Remodel?
Is your kitchen horribly out of date? Perhaps the layout is not conducive to your family and its needs? Kitchen remodeling can bring your kitchen into the twenty-first century! Say goodbye to those outdated kitchen cabinets, and say hello to a convenient layout, new countertops, and new kitchen cabinets. You will be amazed at the impact that kitchen remodeling has on your family. Often, the kitchen becomes the instant hub of the home after a remodel. Make your kitchen everything that your family wants it to be! Sit down together and discuss what you would want in an ideal kitchen. You will be surprised at the many suggestions they have to offer. You will also be surprised at just how accessible those dreams are through a simple kitchen remodel.
Time for a Facelift?
If you don’t want to gut your entire kitchen and start from scratch, perhaps a facelift is in order. Kitchen cabinets can be updated without an entire kitchen remodeling phase. Simply refinishing your cabinets can infuse that style into your kitchen. Do you want to replace that builder grade oak finish with a new walnut finish? Or perhaps you even want to add paint to your cabinets? Refinishing cabinets can be an ideal way to add color to your kitchen. So take a look around, flip through some magazines and dream of exactly what you would do if you could give your kitchen a facelift. Just because you can’t do an entire remodel doesn’t mean that things have to remain as they are. Refinishing cabinets is a more convenient and cost effective way to achieve a whole new kitchen personality. You will be thrilled with the impact this facelift can have on your kitchen, and on Mama’s mood!