Adding Value to Your Home with a Kitchen Remodel

If you’re considering selling your home you may want to consider a kitchen remodel. Adding to or remodeling your home can be a great investment when you’re ready to sell and kitchens and bathrooms are the most beneficial places that you could possibly remodel when it comes to resale. However, there are several factors that should be considered before making any big kitchen remodel decisions.
What’s it Worth
Kitchen remodels can usually recoup most of the cost of the remodel. According to Realtor Magazine, you can usually get approximately 76-79 percent of what they pay for a kitchen remodel and the highest return is actually on more minor remodeling projects such as kitchen cabinet refacing, crown molding, a fresh coat of paint, or new countertops as opposed to larger projects. Another good idea when remodeling a kitchen is to consider purchasing new appliances and energy-efficient appliances if possible.
Personal Taste
When remodeling for resale it’s always a good idea to keep the potential buyer in mind rather than your own tastes. Keep it toned down and stay away from bright colors that may rub somebody else the wrong way even if you absolutely love it. If somebody thinks it’s going to take a lot of time and money to erase your personality from the kitchen they may not buy it, at least not for what you’re asking.
When considering a home remodel to sell your home, price consideration should come first. Keeping the project within a reasonable budget is essential when it comes to recouping the investments. Consider the other homes in your neighborhood, for example spending $50,000 on a new kitchen in a neighborhood where homes cost $200,000 is not a good investment. Also, keep in mind areas where money can easily be saved such as with kitchen cabinet refacing as opposed to total cabinet replacements. If you’re handy you may also want to try painting, tiling or crown molding on your own, however, if you’re unsure if you’re savvy enough to tackle these projects on your own it often costs double the amount to have a professional come in and fix something that you screwed up.
And if you just can’t afford it all, make a prioritized list of all the kitchen remodel projects that you would like to have done and stick with the top 3. Just remember that even small improvements can make a big difference.
Yvonne Eijkenduijn via Compfight